There's something that I have been wanting to voice out quite sometime ago. However I presume that at the end of this, most of those who care to finish this would just forget about this when they wake up tommorrow.
There is the common perseption that what we see on News Network ( CNN, BBC, FOX, etc. ) are nothing but the truth and the general public just take any information that they are provided. You have absolutely no idea of how misleaded and brainwash you have been.
Few years back, I stumbled online on a website regarding the conspiracy of 9-11. Right now, there will be those who might go "oh... not another conspiracy theory", Please let me finish what I started. I will mention some brief details on the main points.
The Twin Towers
1. Why were there no black boxes found in the debri of the twin tower but yet they managed to get hold of the passport of one of the terrorist?
2. Both Towers burn for less than 2 hours at max and crumble down at the speed of freefall while there had been plane crashing into tower else where in the world burning much longer and still remaining intact?
3. The Towers are the 1st steel building EVER to crumble in the event of fire.
4. How did the 2 tallest towers fall like a controlled demolition without damaging any of the buildings nearby.
The Pentagon
1. Search online for the debri by Flight 77 created at the pentagon with those created by other aircrafts. See for yourself.
2. Why is there no videos showing the plane crashing into the side of the pentagon? the only footage available was a 5 frame shot that shows no any sign of an airplane.
1. Why would Osama Bin Laden admit to bombing the Twin towers? If he can plan a terrorist act to this kind of precision, do you really think he wont know what are the consequences that would result?
2. Where are all the military personnal during the attack on the Twin Towers? Is there no air defense guarding the main economic structures of the mighty military country which have technology of cruise missles, e-bomb, nuclear bombs, etc.
3. Shouldn't the pentagon be at least part of the restricted air space? Do you see planes just flying above military base or presidential buildings?
Does this trigger your brain cells yet? If this doesn't I don't know what else does.
Heres more if anyone is interested. the way, there are also plenty of website that debunk the conspiracy. There is no need to believe what I am bull shitting, think it through and judge it for yourself.
I'm not trying to make people revolt or go against the U.S government and such. I just want to prove a point and the point is that how much does people know about what is happening in the world anymore. Do anyone still know the real truth? Look at your history textbook, imagine what would your history textbook be like now if hilter realised his dream. The truth is the victorious writes history. There is plenty of evidences that government are suppressing truth, look at japan and north korea. Look again at Israel and the Palestinian, are you still going to believe everything they want you to believe?
The reality of this society is this, the truth doesn't matter anymore. What the majority think beats whatever truth there is out there, if you dont think like others you will be deem heterodox. Think again... have you been proven wrong by others even though you are right? Thats how it is. So then who are the majorities? Isn't it the news network that spreads this message out? One might ask how come there is no one coming out to spread this message? Is it even possible with the lockdown of all media sources except other than the internet? Someone brought up an interesting point why didnt the US government just lockdown on the internet as well. Well... they did, but eventually did it really matter? They got what they wanted, the afghanistan regime is now under US control. They could have access to the oil resources that they so desperately needed to fuel their military. At the end of the day, history textbook would be written the way they wanted it to be. It really doesn't matter to them because it is just a matter or time before the truth would be buried with time.
By then, it won't matter anymore.