Sunday, March 30, 2008

Philosophical Quote of the day

"Change is the only Constant"

I guess few would derive the meaning of this just by this sentence alone...
To put it shortly, in life nothing stays the same. Only constant adaptation is the way to continuously stay ahead in this society.

While in Shanghai, I saw the wide poverty gap that exists in the metropolitan city. It is quite saddening to see rich taitais buying branded bags from Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel etc. while there's a family of five begging outside knowing that whatever that they spend would last their entire family for god knows how long. Everyone is just passing by them like they don't even exist. This is somehow an inevitable fact.

It might sound cruel and hardhearted but justice and equality just doesn't exist in this society. Some may just think I'm whacked but this is the reality of life that majority have chose to ignore. Fate is in your own hands like whoever used to say.

I guess I'm going too far and serious for a blog post, maybe next time I would blabber about economics or pseudoscience which I have got myself interested recently... well in any case have a nice day. =D

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